In Isaiah 53:5 it says, “with His wounds we are healed.” Jesus brought us a complete salvation, a gift of God that brings us into right relationship with Him, and supplies us with other benefits, including Divine Healing.
Recently, I was at a Pastors’ breakfast with Evangelist Morris Cerullo, where he testified of the recent healing miracle he had experienced, after about one year of being critically ill. I was re-inspired to encourage people to believe for the Lord’s healing power to be manifested in them, no matter how long they have been ill.
In fact, the Lord wants every believer in our midst to be ready to pray ” the prayer of faith” (James 5:15) with anyone, anywhere, and at anytime! To pray in faith means to find out what the Word of God says about the situation, prays according to what the Word says, and believes regardless of circumstances.
” The prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. The Lord will raise him up.”

July 2018

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